LCFA Presents: ‘Shoot, Sustain, Grow’ Sporting Clays Event

Lauderdale County Forestry Association presents “Shoot, Sustain, Grow” Sporting Clays Shoot to benefit the Betty Lacy Forestry Scholarship. 100 Clay Round Course, Friday, May 19, 2017 at Camp Binachi.

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LCFA Newsletter – Issue 2

LCFA newsletter 8.16 LCFA newsletter 8.16Read Issue 2 of the new Lauderdale County Forestry Association Newsletter! [Read more…]

MSUE – 2016 Deer Management Workshops

Register to attend one of the Mississippi State University Extension Service 2016 Deer Management Workshops!

Discover more about deer:

  • Diseases
  • Habitats
  • Reproduction
  • Food Plots
  • Predators
  • Movements
  • Nutrition

Learn about the best selective harvest strategies for bucks and does!

Click here to download the flyer and sign up today!

Deer Mgt Workshops.pdf

LCFA Newsletter – Issue 1

lcfa-newsletterRead Issue 1 of the new Lauderdale County Forestry Association Newsletter! [Read more…]

Conservation Stewardship Program

stelprdb1242924The Conservation Stewardship Program helps agricultural producers maintain and improve their existing conservation systems and adopt additional conservation activities to address priority resources concerns.  Participants earn CSP payments for conservation performance – the higher the performance, the higher the payment.


Through CSP, participants take additional steps to improve resource condition including soil quality,  water quality, water quantity, air quality, and habitat quality, as well as energy.

CSP provides two types of payments through five-year contracts: annual payments for installing new conservation activities and maintaining existing practices; and supplemental payments for adopting a resource-conserving crop rotation. Producers may be able to renew a contract if they have successfully fulfilled the initial contract and agree to achieve additional conservation objectives. Payments are made soon as practical after October 1 of each fiscal year for contract activities installed and maintained in the previous year.

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Longleaf Pine Initiative in Mississippii NRCS

nrcs142p2_016682At the beginning of the 17th century, an estimated 90 million acres of longleaf pine forests existed across the Southeast. But, however, only 3.4 million acres remain. Deforestation and urbanization have threatened this ecosystem, which is home to 100 bird species, 36 mammal species and 72 species of reptiles and amphibians. As these forests have declined, they have placed many of this wildlife in precarious positions, including many of them being classified as endangered or threatened species.

Through its conservation efforts, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is focusing its efforts to help forest landowners more effectively conserve the longleaf pine ecosystem. The Longleaf Pine Initiative (LLPI) uses several NRCS programs to address the priority resources concerns of the longleaf pine ecosystem. These programs include the Environmental Quality Incentives Program and the Healthy Forests Reserve Program(HFRP).

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City of Louisville, Winston Plywood & Veneer break ground on new mill in Mississippi

WinstonLouisville, MS ( February 2 , 2015) — The City of Louisville, in cooperation with the State of Mississippi, Winston Plywood & Veneer and its parent company, Atlas Holdings LLC, broke ground Friday on a new, state-of-the-art plywood mill that will help revitalize a community devastated by a tornado just nine months earlier. The original mill, built in the 1960s and idled since 2009, was destroyed on April 28, 2014 when an F4 tornado struck Louisville. Speakers at the ground-breaking ceremony included Louisville Mayor Will Hill, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant, Executive Director of the Mississippi Development Authority Brent Christensen, several local officials and executives from Atlas Holdings and Winston Plywood & Veneer.

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Biewer Lumber Locating Sawmill Operations in Newton, Mississippi

biewerJackson, Mississippi — December 14, 2015 — Officials from Biewer Lumber announce the company is locating a state-of-the-art sawmill in Newton, Mississippi. The project represents a corporate investment of $85 million and will create 125 jobs.

Construction of the new sawmill is slated to begin in the first quarter of 2016, with mill production expected to begin in early 2017. Once operational, the new facility will expand the company’s mill production into the South; Biewer currently operates four Midwest-based sawmills, as well as three treatment/distribution centers.

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Continuing Education: Logsite Emergency Management — March 29, 2014

PLM-MSU-ExtSrvIn an emergency, knowing what to do can save the life of a friend and co-worker. Logging is still one of the most dangerous jobs in the country and how you handle emergencies will make all the difference. Come join the class and learn how to deal with accidents and help save a life.

The class will be presented by Southern Safety Solutions on Saturday, March 29th, 2014 at the John W. Starr Memorial Forest, Mississippi State University. Registration begins at 8:00am at the Dorman Lake Cabin and class begins 8:30am.

Cost will be $125 per person.

Available Credit: 8 Hours CLE Category I; 4.5 Hours CFE Category II

Click here to download the brochure!

Instructors will help you learn:

  • What information you need for every job site.
  • How to get Emergency Services to your location (this is harder than it sounds!).
  • How to safely use a chainsaw.
  • How to apply first aid.
  • How to move an injured person.
  • How to extract someone from under equipment or trees.
  • And other tips and techniques to help everyone get home alive at the end of the day.

2013 LCFA Annual Meeting Sponsors

2013lcfaconventionThe Lauderdale County Forestry Association Annual Meeting for 2013 will be held on October 8, 2013 at the MSU-Meridian Kalhmus Auditorium. This event is a great opportunity to get to know LCFA and spend some time getting to visit old friends and introduce yourself to new members. This event is sponsored by various business around Lauderdale County and as such we want to recognize their contribution to LCFA and forestry in general. If you have a few minutes, take the time to visit the websites of our event sponsors and if you get the opportunity to do so thank them for being a part of this year’s LCFA Annual Meeting.

No Logo Available:
  • Davis Farm
  • Ralph Morgan Logging, Inc.
  • Hall Timberlands